sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Ver para crer


4 comentários:

  1. Poop thing ! I hope they got some help.

  2. One More Thing, I would like to tell you
    Every time, I visit your blog. I think you should add the social buttons near your comment button. You always help so many cats to have home, and all this buttons will help people spread your new easiest and quickest !

    When people want to tweet the news from your post ( each day ), It will be very super easy for them and for yourself to tweet or share in FB. if you got all this buttons.( you can see in my blog ) Because it's No need to type or copy. It made everything spread very quick. And it's super easy for you to add.

    I add the link here, If you would like to do it.


  3. O "Fiel" o cão adulto já foi recolhido e ser´abatido pois está muito doente. por estar doente o dono afastou-o dos outros caes para que nao o maltratassem mas pergunto: o pequenino tb está doente? bem, justificações que nao aceito
    ainda sabado recolhi duas gatas que estavam no corredor da morte e estão agora felizes.
    kis :=)

  4. Thank you, Puddy. You are so kind. Cheers. Margarida
